Our use of the term Compliance Specialist rather than Auditor goes hand-in-hand with our commitment to offering services that extend beyond auditing. We consistently produce results-driven, best-in-class services, supported by specialists who exemplify the core philosophies and values that set Insite apart in the world of corporate social responsibility.
Our global team conducts social audits and other compliance services across many industries throughout the Americas, Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. All of our compliance specialists are fluent in the local languages where they perform our services and possess a comprehensive knowledge of local business practices and labor laws. We place a high value on the knowledge and experience of our compliance specialists. At the same time, we stress the importance of personal attributes, because soft skills – strong ethics, versatility, and perceptiveness – are the qualities that give our specialists the capacity to adhere to the core principles of social auditing. Our longstanding commitment to the recruitment and training of talented compliance professionals is one of the keys to our success.
Our vertical reporting model allows us to maintain contact with our global teams at all times, to exchange knowledge and resources, and to continuously reinforce the close working relationships we share.